Friends — Proverbs 27:1-10 by Pastor, Colin Smith for The Orchard
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First, the Proverbs are proverbs. They are wise sayings that describe the normal pattern that
prevails in this world. The proverbs are not promises, they are proverbs.
Second, The Proverbs assume a relationship. They were first spoken as the words of a wise father to
his son. But Proverbs is in Holy Scripture, and so in this book we hear the voice of our loving Father
speaking to us, his own children.
Third, the Proverbs point to Jesus. “In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
(Colossians 2:3).” Christ is our wisdom, so to follow Jesus is to follow wisdom; to listen to Jesus is to
listen to wisdom; to grow in Jesus is to grow in wisdom. The way of wisdom is always the way of
Jesus. The way of Jesus is always the way of wisdom.
Proverbs describes what this life looks like. It lays out the life to which wisdom calls us—the life of
a disciple of Jesus.
I hope this series will be very practical. In this series, we will look at what it means to follow the
way of wisdom in five areas: Friends, family, words, work and wealth.